Parents Internet Safety Morning

This morning I invited the parents along for a talk on the upcoming Internet safety topic we'll be running for the next 4 weeks. The Presentation that is embedded below is in several versions depending on what you prefer.

The links in the final slide aren't there, instead they are here which makes things a little easier.

The next presentation will be all about games in education and how to engage our learners at various points in a topic. It wil also highlight how games are now common place and used to build Literacy, Numeracy and other topics' levels of attainment. This article my help you get an understanding.

The Presentation in PDF Download from here.

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Safer Internet Day

Safe Kids


Our Internet Safety Guide/ Manual/ Whole School Assessment

Family E-Safety Kit

Resources we use in Class

Brain Pop

Hector's World

Moshi Monsters



Welcome to the Web