We are coming to the end of another Year at your school. The ICT dept. is gaining strength and is asiPad with Children's Book impermanent as ever: we are to become facilitators instead of discrete ICT teachers (albeit our new guy is 'front loading' skills for me to transfer in cross curricular lessons).
The problem we both face now is that the Reception children are demons on the iPads. They have been utterly sublime all the way to the Easter break. We have tackled some really tricky clusters of skills such as in-app camera work (MadPad and Puppet Pals) and other combinations such as animation using imports of various kinds via DoInk.
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This is a snippet of the latest use of the iPad in Reception.
The children have used the app called MadPad that essentially turn the iPad into a musical instrument via video buttons.
This was a two part lesson - the first being to get to know the mad pad app and record percussion.
Then the second to import other children's percussion into new set of buttons.
They had to review what was good sound and what was poor sound. They also had to make sure we could see the instrument being played.
The result was a mixed bag really but the children understood immediately that they could use Johnny's hammer sound as it was the best and he was from another class. Collaborative effects next time where we chose who we want to send our sounds to.
Baby steps as they say as this is only really the end of the first half term.
Next up, drawing and painting with a stylus.
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