Julian Opie Style Portraits - Paint.Net Follow-up

Before the Chinese New Year holiday I sent home a quick email (below) to ask our Year 4 and 5 children to complete their homework and for Year 5 to have a bit of fun and do something extra.

What returned was brilliant. Nicholas, a boy from Year 5 who tries his best at all times but not exactly a high flyer produced this:

 Nicholas Year 5


Dear Parents,

I am writing to you to ask if you could either assist you child in working on a mini project over the holiday for fun and for honing their ICT skills. It will also give you the chance to share the learning your child is doing in ICT as well.

I have made 7 short video clips on my channel at: Youtube.com/user/edtechlounge. These videos range between 1 minute and 4 minutes showing your child what to do (and you if you want try it too!).



1.       A computer with Windows OS. The program Paint.Net. This is a free program we are using in school. You can download and install from here: www.getpaint.net

2.       (Mac Users can try to do this on Splashup.com – click on the link but do not worry if you can’t).

2. Children, download your Paint.net work that you have already done and open it. This is either saved on the USB drives that the children have saved at school or emailed to themselves as an attachment.

3. Open the photo inside Paint.net.

4. Follow the tutorials on YouTube.

N.B. If you haven’t got your files from school then take a photo of yourself or friend without smiling or showing teeth. An open mouth does not work so well.  

Splash Up

There I am thinking "How am I going to get a new background and theme to this 'ere site. I want a new theme and really kick this thing off by the end of the summer holidays (incidentally it means no travel plans!). So there I am thinking what mac freeware is there to use for picture editing.

I was racking my brains for an app that I could either use in VMware as a Windows app or a download either a windows or Mac app. So ancient in my thinking. Web 2.0 really has thrown a wealth of opportunity and availability fr this arena.

SplashUp is taken from the SketchUp name (I would imagine) and is marvellous. A lite weight version of Paint.net where you can use layering and magic wand to edit and add elements. Brilliant! Of I go then and edit the image without having to downoad or install.